20 November 2013

Ach, academia

   Noooooo. I just got a 74 on a moderately easy—so I thought—science test, and I am SCARED for my straight As. I'm down to an even 90; that grade took me down FIVE WHOLE POINTS. What will BCA think?! Hopefully it had something to do with the fact that it was a Scantron test and I took it with a mechanical pencil, and I can wheedle with Mrs. S about it. She hasn't returned it yet, so I haven't a clue.
   All these applications and stress to be perfect for honors/BCA/AP classes/IB track (the International Baccalaureate track, ooh law law), etc. is slowly but surely getting to me. Plus I'm taking the SAT early in December, for Johns Hopkins. HAGIA SOPHIA! I feel worse for K and the rest of the Indians, though, seeing as they all either expect themselves to get in, or, worse yet, their parents expect them to get in. And I know for a fact that only E and(Jazzbody...) have an almost inevitable chance of getting in. Can a chance even be inevitable? Well, it can now. K is too much of a square to get in, sadly for him. Plus he has a C in MATH. That is not good for him. V honestly has a better chance than he does, but with his atrocious homework grades, I'd say it ain't looking too great for the Indians.


  1. I got invited to the SAT thing too! But my mom was like "you don't need that"

    PLUS (make the caps lock stop...why don't comments have italics?), as I have said probably a bajillion (you know it's late when I say 'bajillion') times, I WILL GO TO MUSIC SCHOOL! And if I say "Lawdy, I even took my SATs! I did all this great academic stuff, but I didn't make region band or anything..." they'd just look at me like I'm a lunatic.

    Of course I'm not a lunatic.


    1. Hah, naw, we are CERTAINLY not lunatics. Although I'm sure both of us feel a little lunatic-y (-esque?) using gosh-darn caps lock instead of Salinger italics :/ it makes me feel like we're shouting at each other or something. And hahaha, I can totally picture your mom being like, "Francesca, come on, you don't need that. All you need is love; groovy!" Et cetera. Your mom is a wonderful specimen.
