18 July 2013

The autumn moon lights my way

    I was at Barnes and Noble yesterday and I got this AWESOME leather journal--two, actually--that had an absolutely mesmerizing Celtic sort of print. It was green. AND it smelled like leather. I can't wait till I become a hermit and write in my journal out in the wilderness while I eat bananas and listen to Moonlight Sonata and plant larkspurs and various types of vegetables! It'll be great. My hermit life is really coming along...
    I'm going to a Billy Joel cover band tonight, along with an acquaintance of mine who appreciates good music from the 80s era! Maybe I shouldn't become a hermit. I'll never meet a kindred spirit my age who actually knows who Simon & Garfunkel is. That could get sort of sad. On the rare occasion that I do come across one of those, it does tend to restore my faith in humanity.
    For my next camp, I'm supposed to print out the lyrics to a song that inspires me... these two have somewhat meaningful-sounding lyrics, so here are the contenders--
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/IiH4PLPtRgM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/uKVp-atyiVA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

14 July 2013

Ramble On

    Led Zeppelin. I'm back from Lindley G. Cook 4-H camp! It was really an awesome experience. I was sort of stewing in the house for a while before camp, so it was nice to get a change of scenery. Now I'm refreshed and covered in bug bites. I met so many cool people! It's amazing how much you can do in a week, in the boonies, NJ. Here's some stuff that I learned/people that I met/things that I just did in general.
-met an adorable little kid named Tomás; I counseled him in the proper way to ask his dad for his new favorite video game. HE WAS SO SWEET! He knew all of the characters' names and everything. He just came up to me one day during kayaking class and started talking, and the next thing I know, he was my BNYOF (Best Nine-Year-Old Friend)! Huh.
-learned how to canoe
-met an... interesting guy my age who occasionally wore SUSPENDERS and knew possibly every Frank Sinatra song that existed
-took 5-minute showers every darn day
-teased Jessie about her SOULMATE
-hung out with a cool Russian guy and his Green Day-loving friend
-met a girl who raised chickens and ducks! I guess that's 4-H for you.
-met a kid named, heh, Alvin who acted exactly like L from Death Note! He looked exactly like this, no lie. It was a little creepy.  He even sat like L! WEIRD.
-had a counselor named Dallas!
-met someone who was like Tess! Tess, kindly read this and comment. Are you related to a Lucinda Ryan?
-ate pudding/cool whip/sprinkles/brownie/cookie mixture without hands. #vikingdinner
-oh lordy I just used a hashtag. I have way too much free time
-made a candle! Yay, so artsy.
    And lots of other stuff, mostly involving a counselor from England who dressed like One Direction, a counselor who liked Doctor Who and Naruto and making up Norwegian-sounding songs for Viking Dinner, and a counselor whose name was LUUUUUUUKE and had big poofy hair and was an uncannily enthusiastic bootay shaker (please, don't ask) and spoiled the ending of Death Note for me. But all in all, camp was the best, dear readers! THE BEST JERRY THE BEST.

07 July 2013

Take a Chance on Me

    Take a Chance on Me--ABBA. I decided to start a new blog, and I'm not sure why exactly. Maybe for personal reasons unbeknownst to me. Just joshin', I only said that that because I love that word unbeknownst! But in case you just stumbled upon this blog, I have another one with all my followers, publicity, etc. on it called Extravagant Eggheads that you might want to check out. But I figure this'll be my blog for writing, maybe stories, life experiences, poetry, and songs. Just because my other blog isn't really taken seriously for that kind of stuff.
    Also, if you don't know me already, here's a bit of an introduction! I don't particularly like my first name (TOO mainstream... hah), and I don't really want to put it on here in the first place, so you could call me Wepeel if you like the band Weezer (or just watch/listen to this so you get it) or... yeah, sure, go ahead and call me that. Also, if your name is Jen He, you're basically obligated to call me that, so pur-lease do! So here are 10 facts about me, just to... break the virtual ice. And they're rainbow! That makes everything tons fun and better! YAY!
1. I'm really into music, like, a lot. I like all kinds, but I'm mostly into classic rock and 80s pop. Think Elton John, Van Halen, The Cars, and a looooot of other things that don't land in that spectrum.
2. I'm going to sleepaway camp tomorrow for a week for the first time, with my friend Jessie!
3. I will never figure out how to play any card games... sad, sad truth.
4. I'm also quite obsessed with Polyvore; here's my account for that. What's not to love? I always feel like a true artist. Which I am, but y'know. 
5. I'm a major reader. My favorites include books by Dan Brown (when Vivek doesn't steal them), Markus Zusak, J.D. Salinger, Walter Dean Myers, George Orwell, and S.E. Hinton. I'm not big on reading poetry, but I'd say my favorite would be Walt Whitman.
6. A lot of my friends are very, veeery into Asian things, so I've unwittingly joined them in that. So don't be alarmed when you see random pictures of Tokyo or Flushing or fun Asian people in my posts! It's just me, I'm weird like that.
7. I'm attempting to learn German, French, Italian, and Spanish (the latter I'm learning in school). I love languages and I love the world, and I'm going to Germany and France in August with my family, so why not start now, yeah? Issa no brainer.
8. I know way too many digits of pi to ever, ever be normal. Ever. As in 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582.
9. I love anime! My favorites being Death Note, Angel Beats, and Ouran Highschool Host Club. My friend and I are actually planning to make shirts and phone cases advertising our love for Ouran, mostly the complete and utter hotness of Kyoya.
10. I'm not a fast runner, but if you ask me to run a 5k, watch out. I'm a distance runner through and through, and if you ask me to sprint for you, you'll probably end up laughing in my face.