03 May 2014


I'm sitting on the front steps reading The dharma bums. My hair is curly. I ran a few miles at track. I can hold the lotus position for a few seconds and balance only on my arms. I can do side planks, left and right. For lunch I had avocado and lemon juice on toast. Great stretch on Boston Radio on pandora. Now I'm listening to 80s Pop Radio. Hall and Oates, and I Ran So Far Away. Later Papi and I are planting herbs in the cutting garden. Even later Maman is taking me to see an Indian film called The Lunchbox.

Last night I sat on the steps of some park in Ridgewood, in the lotus position, by myself, distractedly texting but enjoying being on a corner. I felt like everything was a triangle and I was the pinnacle and everything was pointing to me. Then I had to go and I watched Wadjda at home and didn't eat dessert.


  1. The Dharma Bums is a great book.

    1. Yes, indeed. Most people just name 'On The Road' as their favorite Kerouac novel, but those who really read Kerouac all say 'The Dharma Bums' is his finest work. It is my favorite. You should read 'Maggie Cassidy' too.

  2. I agree. I've just started reading On the Road, and the joie-de-vivre feeling that was in Dharma Bums really isn't there. Thank you for the recommendation! Do you know of any other authors to go with Kerouac?
